Is time for me to start my final exam preparation I know, its another high aim for me this turn but then, strive HARD nothing is Im...
1-12-2012 It's December! And this is the month that i waiting for so so long Its could be the start for everything I'...
前几天和朋友跑去了找壁画拍照, 呵呵,一阵子没回来槟城, 这壁画已经在这儿有了响当当的好口碑, 而且也成为了旅游的新卖点。 这一天天气很好,阴阴的, 一路上也遇到很多游客和那些画像合照。 哈哈,拍照的时候当地居民都会不自觉地望过...